Who doesn’t love vacationing? The summer vacation family trips overseas, the getaway girls’ trips to New Orleans for Essence Fest, or the romantic rendezvous getaways with bae to Cancun. But you know what we hate? Fallin off, and shamefully putting on those extra pounds, especially after all the hard work we did to get our bodies right for the trip.

I went to San Diego last year with my homegirl, and my body was on point! I had alcohol at the airport in the gate, more drinks on the plane – and no water what so ever. When we landed, we went to the hotel…and we ate. Who eats salad on a vacation?  I sure didn’t. I ate fast food chicken tenders. Then we went poolside, where the waiter was bringing us tacos…and chips…and all these foods with hella salt, plus even more drinks! 

Guess what happened when we were getting ready to go out for dinner and I pulled out my Day 1 freakum dress? I COULDN’T ZIP IT UP! I went from Freakum Dime to Frankenstein real quick! Forget that “Aint no fun without no ones.” It aint no lit, when yo dress won’t zip

So, for all my Lovestyle Warriors here’s my Top 5 Ways To Stay In Shape While On Vacay! 

#1: Book A Gym & Use A Gym: Every hotel I go to has to have a gym, they’re the only ones I book. I don’t care what the equipment is - it can be a few dumbbells, elliptical, and a treadmill. Most times I find I’m the only one there too. 

#2: Stop crash dieting. As women we’re notorious for not working out and eating bad for months. Then… 2 weeks before we go on vacation we go into panic mode and start a crash diet where we starve ourselves on just air and lettuce. This never works because when you’re on vacation and finally eat, you bloat immediately and gain 10lbs. Plan to get fit before your trip well in advance, and don’t try to shortcut with a crash diet that’s bound to fail.

#3: Use the stairs: Many hotels have just 1-4 floors, and we’ll still use the elevator instead of the stairs. If it’s just 1 or 2 floors why not walk it out? Or better yet… “Step…Step” *in my Red Bottoms Trina throwback voice lol* Using the hotel stairs is a quick simple way to squeeze in some cardio.

Your rule should be if it’s 5 floors or less take the stairs (of course this is without luggage.. use the elevator for that, I don’t want yall having a hernia). I take the stairs if it’s up to 10 floors. Even at my husband’s football games, I’m not going to wait 5-10m for the elevator or to walk around the long ramp…I take the stairs. With large crowds it’s much faster.

#4: H20 - WATER WATER WATER. Why do we go on vacation and avoid drinking water? Knowing good and well Sprite, Martinis and Vodka is not gonna cut it. 

You gotta stay hydrated, especially in warm climates where we normally choose to go. I double my water when I’m on vacation. Especially when flying, because for me the elevation can make me swell. I double my water the day before I fly, the day I fly, and then the day after to flush my body and not be bloated.

#5: In Room Exercises:  I recommend doing these 10 exercises in a row within 20m for a quick #HIIT high intensity interval training workout, without having to leave your hotel room.

  • Burpees

  • Jumpsquats

  • Mountain climbers

  • Plank

  • Running (in place/treadmill)

  • Pushups

  • Sit-ups

  • Lounges

  • Shoulder Taps

  • Jumping Jacks

The point of HIIT is to keep your heart rate up, so no break, move through every exercise. 20m - do ALL of them.  There’s never a reason to fall off - you can still slay while on vacay!