Hey Lovestyle content warriors…let me drop some fun IG-Tea-V gems on ya! Here are 5 new trends and features on IG to monetize and build your tribe?

#1       IGTV ADS

IG is rolling out updates that will allow content creators to earn more money directly on IGTV. For the 1st time ever in IG history you’re going to be able to monetize on your Instagram the same way you can on YouTube.

IGTV Ads are being tested with a small group of creators and advertisers in the U.S.  2 of the brands I LOVE currently being tested are Sephora and IKEA.

THIS IS SO EXCITING FOR ME! Because if you’re a content creator like me, YOU KNOW how much work it is to create killer content for each platform, with IG being the main one for most of us. Now we can cash in on all the value we’ve been adding to make Instagram and Facebook the multi-billion-dollar enterprises they are!

#2       REELS: TikTok Rival

The same way IG changed the game by low-key swagger hacking SnapChat stories a couple years ago, IG is now doing something similar with TikTok. Instagram confirmed it’s preparing to launch IG Reels as the short-form video TikTok competitor sometime this month in August in the U.S. They’re already testing it in India.

The President threatens to ban TikTok in the U.S any day now – because of the national security risk of TikTok allegedly being used to spy on American citizens. (forcing me to save all my crazy videos so I can transfer them when needed). Reels would be my crazy content life saver.

Now if you see all the comedy relief, lip-syncing, dancing and straight wildin’ out that I do with my TikTok videos that have me feeling 18 again (sorry to all the Gen Z’s who really are 18 and are like “Will this lady get up off my platform) … YOU KNOW I’m hella excited about this new feature too!

Reels will allow users to create and post short, 15s videos set to music or other audio, just like TikTok. It will also offer a set of editing tools like the popular countdown timer on TikTok, along with speed adjustment, to make it easier to record creative videos.

This is a new feature you will want to jump on sooner than later, as Instagram always puts those who use the new features first, in the way content creators show up in people’s feeds, versus those who aren’t using their new products. So to stay in the algorithm flow, I recommend jumping on it as soon as it drops!


IG is testing a layout of 2 rows of Stories on your page, instead of one – to more easily view Stories on a highlight page and view the Stories most relevant to what you want to see.


This is HUGE, because it makes checking out Stories so much easier. Plus it looks like there will be a possible switch to IG Stories as the main focus of the app – versus the traditional user feed. This could ultimately end up making IG Stories the priority layout when you first go on Instagram.


This will actually help users who have a lower algorithm, because where now IG only shows the Stories of users you watch the most, others can be more easily found with this new layout.


Also, this makes it easier for us content creators in not having to post 10+ IG Stories a day to stay at the top of my followers Stories row (a suggestion I give often during my IG Brand Audit Coaching sessions with clients). So now I could focus on even more “quality” content versus algorithm driven “quantity.”

This would be major for all, especially us content creators, and would definitely alter our posting strategies.


IG is going to add new stickers to your stories. A new cool one I like is the “calendar sticker” in which you’ll be able to plan an event and list the following:

Ø Name of event

Ø Invitees

Ø Location (online/offline)

Ø Will You Be Able To Attend (Yes/Maybe/No)

It’s like a question sticker and calendar sticker all in one. A low key Eventbrite on digital steroids! This is so beneficial because now you won’t have to send followers or customers outside of the IG platform to sign up for an event – because it will already be on your Stories.

This new feature will also allow you to send reminders and thank you’s in the DMs.


Facebook just released a new feature not too long ago, where you’re able to charge for access to events with Facebook Live Streams. This will include anything from online performances, webinar classes, and professional conferences.

For example, if you’re doing a paid webinar – you can do it on Facebook now where you can have a private video room. This feature was created in response to the pandemic – as more businesses, creators and artists turned to internet live-streaming tools – driving us all towards more virtual experiences.

Because Facebook owns Instagram, this is a major monetizing feature that may possibly be leveraged on IG Live streams at some point in the near future as well.

All of these new features are even more bomb ways of engagement to build your tribe, and monetize! SOOOO DOPE!!!

To learn more and explore an IG Brand Audit Coaching Service, visit: https://www.saralovestyle.com/influencer-coaching