I LOVE ME SOME MATTIE JAMES! Mattie is one of my favorite bad azz champion mommy influencers -  who after being laid off from her job, found a way to level up as a high-demand successful influencer .

She is so unapologetic about how you command and influence your way to securing the bag, and a seat at the table.

During our IG Live Influencer convo, she dropped so many gems that I was ecstatic to weigh in on. Included were these 5 Tips On How To Influence Your Way To The Bag:

1.     OWN IT

When I first saw Mattie James speak at a Boss Women media event almost 2 years ago, I went to talk to her about leveling up as an influencer on Instagram and the first thing she told me was…”YOU DON’T OWN IT! You don’t own the platform, the content you post, nor the fanbase you’ve built. So if Instagram crashes tomorrow, so will your entire followership.…unless you create your OWN assets i.e. website/email list/podcast/etc.”

That was a gut punch and some of the most powerful words I’ve heard come out of a boss’s mouth. And to add even more unprecedented power to that moment, 3 days after that event guess what happened? INSTAGRAM CRASHED! That was all the inspiration I needed to have my OWN blog, website and email list up all in the next couple of weeks. So yeah Lovestyle Influencers…channel your inner-Oprah and OWN IT!

Here’s the story behind how I met Mattie and how she delivered the gut punch that changed my influencer life.


Never forget YOU are the niche, because YOU are the story. And you control the narrative and how you present it on social. It’s not so much about what you do, but how YOU tell the story behind why YOU do it! One of Mattie’s signature lines is,“Stunts will get you followers, but stories get you checks.” I can totally testify to this, because my growth in storytelling was parallel to my bank account growth from influencer checks. So Yes Yes Yes - become a master storyteller.


Your purpose is bigger than being perfect. Everyone is not going to be receptive, and that’s ok. Don’t overly curate yourself or try to make people fall in love with a perfect you. My challenge and greatest pain is the source behind my greatest testimony. From special needs parenting to overcoming a heart attack at 23. You have a platform to change lives – specific lives, that need to see you as your authentic imperfect self. This is the most powerful way to connect,in moving your tribe towards their purpose. So once again, don’t just stunt for the gram, become one with the divine influencer purpose within your “I AM.”


Game not only recognizes game, it shares it too. Mattie said it perfect during our convo when she stated “Teaching you how to eat does not take food out of my mouth.” During her elevation as an influencer, she has given me so much game, along thousands of others within the influencer and blogger space. I in return, have found one of the most rewarding experiences in being able to coach others on how to achieve the influencer success that I have.

With Google & YouTube University, the blueprint is clear that knowledge and enlightenment is for everyone. Plus the free advice model leads to meaningful engagement, which can then be pitched to brands that have the ad spend and influencer marketing budgets to provide you with #DaBag. As you create your own platform of empowering others by sharing keys behind your success, and how they can do the same - you’re creating a valuable relationship worthy of consumer and corporate monetary exchange…in perpetuity *T.I. vox* lol  


Mattie dropped her influencer weight in silver and gold on these gems right chere! This alone could be it’s own blog, webinar series and virtual conference.

Here’s the 4 Things You Must Know How To Do Before Pitching A Brand:

#1: PRODUCE: You must know how to actually create and produce content on your go-to influencer platforms (i.e. IG/YouTube/Blog/Pinterest/Etc)

Many brands are looking to take their production budget and spend a fraction of it, on an influencer that can still create dope content that presents their brand in the best light.

#2: POST: You must know how to post.

Creating is producing content, but posting is RELEASING it. Don’t sit on the content, that’s the only way you can ignite engagement.

#3: PROMOTE: You must know how to promote

Social Media is LITERALLY FREE AD SPACE. Use your timeline exactly for that – and make the most of your reach with a very important promo factor being frequency. Which is more than “Hey check out my new podcast or blog” once. Promote over and over, with meaningful content, and make it worth it for your tribe so they will. Brands need to know you know how to get people’s attention to drive engagement.

#4:  CONVERT: Know How To Convert

Lovestyle moguls…this is how you secure the bag! When you create an emotional connection through your engagement and promotion, you need to convert through a call to action. You must master how to influence people to take action. That conversion can be to: Watch my video, RSVP for my event, signup on my email list, or BUY THIS MY PRODUCT! As you acquire this level of purchase intent influence, brands will come running to you.

But you have to be able to produce good content, post it, promote it and convert eyeballs to consumption.

Mattie is EVERYTHING! Follow her here at

And for 1-on-1 Lovestyle influencer and social media coaching, let’s connect!

Sara Hood