
 They say an entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down. But nobody talks about the elevated fear of a mother taking that leap of faith, and building that plane while spiraling out of control - with her kids looking over the cliff saying “Mommy Mommy…Where are you going? Why are you leaving?”

 I’ve found that “Mommy Fear” is what can leave you paralyzed! The fear is that as we leap into those countless late hours and energy drains of building a brand from the ground up –   it begins to fill IMPOSSIBLE to fulfill the Mommy duties without a clone - like picking the kids up from school, feeding them a non-fast food meal, racing them over to soccer practice, becoming the terminator to make them take their baths, and becoming Mother Dearest again when time to read a bed time story. Trying to balance both raising our baby business with our babies for real can break you down.

 But as the great philosopher Ice Cube said “You Can Do It, Put Your Back Into It” lol. You just have to keep Massage Envy on speed dial because it’s going to feel like a back-breaking endeavor as a go-getter Mommy Entrepreneur.


To help all my Lovestyle Warrior Mommies with launching that million dollar business dream, here’s 5 insights to things I wish I knew before I decided to jump head-first into entrepreneurship


Sleep…Huh, What’s That?!? Until you figure out a system that works for you and your babies your sleep will be all jacked up. It took me months to get it together. Late nights were all I knew for months. But after you figure out your rhythm, life gets better. Now I have it down to a science and am usually able to hit the sac before 11pm. 


I gotta keep it real, as a Mommy Entrepreneur, you’re going to feel guilty AF! When you’re on the grind, especially as an influencer, traveling is a necessity. Leaving my kids for my work trips is tough. It never gets easier, but it gets easier to cope with.

The key is staying on purpose and remembering the goal. The dream, the purpose, the “Why” keeps me focused and moving forward. I’m grinding not only for me and my kids, but my kids’ kids! So it benefits us all in the real long-term. Not to mention I want my kids to know Momma is a “Bad Mama Jama!” *proceeds to do old school 2-step with a slight look-back-at-it*

Your kids will be fine! Even when it hurts sometimes I find that at this age it hurts me more than them. Learning how to work after they go to bed and while they’re at school helps balance my day - so after school I’m still present and available. Not to mention they get to travel with me sometimes so they get to have incredible experiences with me. The older they get the more they remember the cool stuff we’re doing. Plus, it’s very important for them to see they’re Momma on the grind!  

3.    SQUAD UP

I can’t say this loud enough…GET HELP! Do not try to do everything by yourself, with your business as well as your house. If it helps to hire a nanny, DO IT! You’ll need it, and it saves you the most precious commodity in life…TIME. Begin outsourcing some of the tasks that save you time, like cleaning for example.

It takes a village so throw your ego out the window. You don’t always have to be SuperMom…Be Batwoman…and tag team up with a Robin to lighten the load. This is not only with family duties, you must apply this philosophy with your business. It takes a dream, a theme and a TEAM.

Squad up with a team that is willing to ride for you that brings new ideas to the table where you can spread the dream workload. This can even start with your true entrepreneur-minded home girls that are Moms and focused on pursuing their business dreams too.


Sometimes I even let the kids help! When I’m creating content, especially while cooking in the kitchen, my kids often get to be a part of the process. They think it’s fun and they feel like they’re a part of the accomplishment. For example, when I’m testing recipes I let them help during the testing phase. That way I’m working and still spending time with them. Its super productive and they’re so proud of themselves for creating something that gives them instant gratification. 

Never forget the wise African proverb “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.”


Know that you’ll cry sometimes, actually a lot of times. You have to, it’s hard AF! It won’t be easy by any stretch. So, it’s ok to shed those thug tears, but dry those eyes and get back on purpose to working on that liberating dream that is ohh so worth it. 


For awhile I would see so many Women Empowerment events and never go. When I started attending them early into my entrepreneur journey, it changed my life! The love, the gems, the stories, the inspirations all shifted my mindset and hunger – all the while knowing there are women everywhere that are rooting for us all to win. If you want a dose just check out my blog on my magical experience at #EssenceFest



A game changing empowerment event for me was also the Boss Women Media Meet Up in Atlanta earlier this year. The women I met there, including the amazing owner Marty McDonald, were so #BadAzz.

And guess what? I will be moderating a Mommy Entrepreneur panel at the Boss Woman of the Year Awards Sept. 21st in Dallas – and I WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU IN PERSON THERE!


Click here for more info & to purchase a ticket: https://bosswomen.org/boss-women-of-the-year-2019/

All to say…YOU CAN DO IT! Motherhood doesn’t mean our dreams are over. It’s even more reason to reach for the stars. You owe it to yourself to live the life you deserve, and to the lives you will forever change through your work. You are a Lovestyle Mommy Warrior… GO GET IT!


Sara Hood