My Stay Fit Holiday Survival Guide
My Stay Fit Holiday Survival Guide
Boy oh boy! it’s almost Christmas. MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! As a chef I LIVE for planning the menu, grocery shopping, cooking, time with family, laughter, and the joy of being together. Even though this year will be very different as many of us will be loving each other apart, My love for food will never end!
However the most wonderful time of the year can also become the most stressful time of the year, for those who are striving to stay fit during the festivities. Of course ’tis the season to be jolly’. But as a certified personal trainer this time of year can be a nightmare especially when you’ve starved almost all year long in eager anticipation of delving into the delicacies of the season. So how do you avoid falling off the fitness wagon during this palate tempting time, full of food, friends, and family obligations?
My Top 10 Stay Fit Holiday Survival Guide Tips
The Main Ingredient begins with the letter ‘C’
I’m talking about CONSISTENCY! Not food I don’t need. Incredible delicious meals that are going to punish my fitness goals. If you put in just a little bit of effort then your journey to a healthier lifestyle is not totally doomed! It’s all about keeping your fitness priorities front and center. Sure you may have to compromise your diet and exercise a bit, but that does not mean you will careen off a cliff into a two month pie-binge.
Christmas Day is just one day. You cannot undo what you’ve been doing for a whole year. Remember keeping your diet and fitness streak for the month, you will be making a conscious commitment to stick to your goals. This will give you momentum you need to stay on track and make progress.
It’s hard, really hard to stay controlled. How realistic is it though Sara? Can it be done? I’m here to assure you… YOU GOT THIS!
Chances are, albeit you may sit down to eat a 45,000 calorie dinner, you will still be able to achieve the resolution for fitness you had made the year before. Have COURAGE and stay CONSISTENT
SMART SNACKER - Keep snacking to a minimum.
This can help you feel less hungry and more energetic while maintaining or reaching a healthy weight. Try to choose snacks that have lean protein (Healthy Snacking, Udayton edu.)
Watch your portions
Increased portion sizes are clinically proven to contribute to unwanted weigh gain. Research indicates that many factors can influence how much you eat. Controlling portions sizes can prevent overindulging.(Healthline, Nov 19, 2018)
Staying active has been shown to have many health benefits. It’s actually proven to make you feel happier, help with metabolism hence weight loss, good for muscle and bones. Especially if you know binge eating season is near, maintaining your exercise routine will increase energy levels, reduce risk of chronic disease, help skin health, help brain and memory, help relaxation and sleep quality, reduce pain, and even promote a better sex life (just saying). (Emeco, MS, RD, healthline, Feb 2017).
Don’t starve yourself waiting for THE MEAL. EAT! You’ll end up overeating. How? Starvation Diets have far reaching negative effects on the body. Starving to lose weight changes the metabolism, reduces lean muscle, reduces bone density and decreases strength. One study using human participants indicated dropping significant amounts of calories from starvation is due to not enough calories being consumed, which led them to gain back nearly all the fat they lost. Calories are necessary to maintain your lean mass and if you go below your number, your body will be forced to break down the muscle stores in order to create energy.(
You don’t have to finish your meal! If you’re full LEAVE IT! Better the WASTE than your WAIST! Here’s a cliche for you to chew on. “A moment on the lips- a lifetime on your hips”. No lie! Not watching portions is a huge inhibitor to weight loss! When your brain tells you, your stomach is full, your stomach has had its fill. It’s very important to listen to your body.
If you can help it stay away from sugars. If you can’t pick your battle. Don’t have juice/soda/alcohol AND dessert. Pick one struggle. Also get a bite or two and leave the rest. Sugar is the main cause of the many chronic ailments. You don’t want to waste all your year’s fitness regiment over one Thanksgiving meal.
Up your Fiber
The “Drano” effect of fiber helps clean out bacteria and other build-up in your intestines. Fiber helps you stay regular. Especially after all the multiple slices of sweet potato pies and everything in between that you’ve dreamt about sinking your teeth into since the beginning of the year. Don’t we all need the cleansing.
Try not to drink your calories- these numbers add up quick.
This notion is very deceptive as extra calories can easily sneak into your daily drinks. Liquid calories only give you the feeling of being full.
Eat with a smaller plate.
By small I actually mean like a salad plate and not a dessert plate. That might just make you go back for more helpings making your efforts to stay on track redundant. A small plate is a very smart way to portion control. You will be pleasantly surprised at how other guests may actually glance over at your pickings out of their personal convictions.
Have a plan - when making a plate start with proteins, veggies, and then everything else. Don’t start with the fillers or sides. Be strategic.
Sure, you may hover around the dinner table a little longer than everyone else but don’t be embarrassed about taking the time to make wise choices about your indulgences. Don’t let the glare of those convicted souls around you intimidate you either. Instead win other guests over with your Smart choices. This may even lead to a pleasant conversation starter.
Here is my tasty vegan butter recipe that you can try out this season.
Garlic Herb Vegan Compound Butter
1 stick vegan butter -softened
2-3 gloves of Garlic-minced
1 tablespoon parsley
1/4 tsp pepper (optional)
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
1. Chop all veggies and add to bowl of softened butter.
2. Mix and combine well.
3. Using parchment paper, roll the butter into a log or whatever shape you want. Tie off & return to fridge.